I stand up from my desk chair. I pull up my pants. I tighten my belt. I walk 5 meters down the hall to the bathroom. I enter the bathroom. I walk 1 more meter to the toilet. I loosen my belt. I drop my pants. I sit down on the toilet. I do my business. I wipe. I stand up from the toilet. I pull up my pants. I tighten my belt. I flush. I walk the 6 meters back to my desk. I loosen my belt. I sit down on my desk chair.
There's no one else in this house, and the front door is locked, but god forbid I look indecent to the ghosts.
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Fast là Phát
The God's... have no words. :(
weird as shit
I think that one girl with the frost powers (if that's what they are), is really......
Forzone: hone? Here's my super suit????
get this dyke shit outta here
I don't have anything to say. I'm just so tired and I don't know how long I can control myself
"And so, the ElastiGimps came to lay their eggs, and fertilize the soil.."
I hate the reality that i Will die before the year 2100
One less Multporn user.
Not that I Follow NNN, but this one makes it pretty easy. Went from perfectly fine breasts to giant tumors real fast.
Yea, why do ppl worship that stuff?
I've been waiting for twenty minutes and only the first two pages has loaded
And still waiting.
*Elevator music*
Men we are strong we sent people to the moon and we are not failing nnn without a fight
This morning I forgot it was November and did the thing
Im sorry, I have failed all of you
That was a close one, I almost forgot
just wanna ask if anyone has failed nnn so far
I ain't doin' it
I have trackers in your balls
So if you nut I will come to your house and fuck your sister, your mother, and you
me who only lives with my dad
I stand up from my desk chair. I pull up my pants. I tighten my belt. I walk 5 meters down the hall to the bathroom. I enter the bathroom. I walk 1 more meter to the toilet. I loosen my belt. I drop my pants. I sit down on the toilet. I do my business. I wipe. I stand up from the toilet. I pull up my pants. I tighten my belt. I flush. I walk the 6 meters back to my desk. I loosen my belt. I sit down on my desk chair.
There's no one else in this house, and the front door is locked, but god forbid I look indecent to the ghosts.
Wish it stayed lesbian, ngl
Oh this November is going to be hellish.
Its got potential, but the banter needs some work
That's the fucking point you Neanderthal