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No way bro thought a ages old corpse would be a great fck toy tf wrong with my man. At the same time, these people must have great preserve methods keeping her fresh and alive for all that time.
I am sorry, I'm about to remove your faith in humanity.
There is an infamous event on 4Chan where a poster photographed an recorded hiself using a skull from some catacombs to masturbate. He litterally skullfucked a skull on camera.
I don't think a thousand year old mummy would show be that clean and smooth
I mean, British people have done other things to mummies, guess that's new
That's not a mummy that a mommy~
ba dum tsss
If mummies weren't decaying corpses they would have fucked them instead of eating them
Explorer: finds a mummy, whips out dick
This is dope turn this to a series I love it
what? i mean alright, but what? oh. wait, no what?
God I wish that were me
Damn, he got way more than he bargained for.
Average Britishman