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What, you like her emotionless. Yeah dude , that's not normal. I reccomend getting outside more often . try replacing your blow-up doll roommates with real people you wouldn't be so attracted to people with Asperger's Syndrome?
I do know when you're making love with women, emotion & passion is all there is. Unless you're into necro...? Eew.
놀랐다 이게 한국어로 되어있네
This is japanese you can tell by the smiling letter on the front page
this is actually Korean, the title page may be, but Japanese does not have a full circle in kanji
This one was very straight to the point there were barely any non-sex pages. Plus the artstyle's really cute
I can only go a bit 4 times maybe 5 a day danm
What language is this?
Korean I think
How'd u guys read this
there's no way she isn't pregnant after all that. ;3 (she too young for the pill)
Wait why
you xan get the pill at any age
Sun: (:
Where do I buy this version of the games
Wrong, gravy
Lilie que golosa
I would be literally like him but without the smile as stated by my doctor i lost like 90% of each positive emotion i barely smile and smile and really cruel things which is 1 of the reason my GF loves me
also love page 12 and 30 for the reaction of the girl and 17 because he just eats
i love how sun is emotionless
same and i barely have 1/10 of my emotions left well with the positive ones all negative emotions are there completly especially my sadistic side which my GF likes personaly .... weird girl i can never read her not even the face
Page 15 is the best page
12 and 30 for me because that girl reacts like ........ i'm still here pfhahaha
If only i could speak in scribls
I was thinking the exact same thing. I have to say, great artstyle!