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i hate it but my dick says otherwise
Pretty good, 8/10
You know, this can be seen as heresy within the NTR community, but one thing I've always wanted to see is a situation like this, but not quite like so. Hold with me here, what I've said is a bit confusing so let me elaborate. Pure, virgin couple or whatever, get out of touch because girl meets guy with big dick, as per the usual. However, when girl falls in love with dick, we get secondary trope of her trying to mask her cheating by having sex with OG lover. Here's the big twist, girl pulls down boys pants, boy has BIGGER dick than guy she cheated with, they get back on track while other guy becomes throwaway. Boom, we get double the NTR for half the price, and we make all the cucks who want only vanilla pure uwu shit happy because they get their ending.
Okay i get why everyone is mad, but first of all this is a fucking comic and it's drawn to make people horny, second is that there's TONS on comics just like this where there is rape/forced sex or whatever, so just stfu and nut, or if you don't like it nut to something else...
I have great many issues with this! This shit is wrong on so many levels!
what did i just see
Sir, If we ever cross path's just know that your in for a world of pain.
this should be fucking destroyed.bullshit like this should be burned,bombed and nuked.i wish i never found this
Excuse me but WHAT THE FUCK
I just lost what little hope that I still had in humanity
This shit is nasty as he'll
Wow... this shit's disgusting as fuck...... when i find you bitch, oh ma fucking god you'll be wishing you're never born in the same world as me . imma fucking break every bone in your body and sing a sonata out of the sounds it will make