Hold on...now this mad lad instead of slaying the devil he layed with the devil and then proceeded to make a kid with her.......HOW BIG ARE HIS FUCKING KAHUNAS TO FUCKING FUCK SATAN? Let alone he'd win any convo wars ever.....that all he needs to say "I had sex with the devil her self." Like bro.....this dude getting the ultimate n word pass.
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Satina is so cute, we need more stuff of her.
4 good
number 15: twerking chicken
Burger King foot lettace.
Thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
Reading your comment made me gag more than a rookie pornstar sucking her first major dick. You disgust me.
Hold on...now this mad lad instead of slaying the devil he layed with the devil and then proceeded to make a kid with her.......HOW BIG ARE HIS FUCKING KAHUNAS TO FUCKING FUCK SATAN? Let alone he'd win any convo wars ever.....that all he needs to say "I had sex with the devil her self." Like bro.....this dude getting the ultimate n word pass.